The Way Colorado Farming is Changing the World for the Better
Longseth Farms is the place where traditional love of the land and the animals meets the modern need for clean locally sourced food.

Farming for the real world
These are the greatest cows.
The fun appearance of Belted Galloway cattle garners many questions about where they came from. Sometimes known as ‘Belties’ among breeders of the animals or ‘Oreo Cows’ to fans these are some very distinctive cows. The Belted Galloway’s first recorded history indicates that they developed during the 16th Century in the former Galloway district of Scotland, a rugged and hilly seacoast region where hardiness was necessary for survival. They even have a double fur coat to be warm in the cold winters, and cool in the summer. In addition the meat marbles well, this is excellent grass fed Beef.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is There Beef Availible?
Yes there is almost always beef available. Depending if you want a whole, half or quarter you may need to be matched with another customer.
Do you use antibiotics?
Not like feed lots. Because of the crowded conditions of the lots they keep cows on antibiotics to fend off the ever present diseases but on a ranch like our we usually do not need them. If a cow or calf is sick they might be proscribed antibiotics by a vet.
What do the cows eat?
Just grass. Maybe an occasional bug.
What is grassfed?
Grass fed beef are raised on fresh grass in the summers and dried grass (hay) in the winter. The hay is also located grown and usually cut and bailed by Larry.
When can I get meat?
Contact us to find out when the next meat is available.